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The Weblog
Once upon a time, TV was worth watching.
But one could object. Life isn't good for all. For some, life ends too soon, and they never get to live. For others, it is one hardship after another, brutality upon brutality, sadness upon sadness.
That is why I say that this life is a school. True life comes in Heaven with Christ. Here, we are to learn why good is good and evil is evil.
But some die young, even in their mother's womb and never get to learn. Does this make the whole idea of life as a school come tumbling down?
No, for we learn collectively - you from me and me from you. We learn from the past, present, and future.
But why couldn't God just plant this knowledge in our hearts and never put us through this existence?
Ah, but then, we would be nothing more than cardboard cutouts. Replicas of humans but not real humans. That is why man is greater than angels. Angels exceed us in power, at least for now, but we exceed them in experience. In Heaven, we will stand over them. They will serve us.
You see, God created us in His image. He means for us to walk beside Him, to look Him in the eye and converse with Him. That is why Jesus is our big Brother, not our Father. We are His friends, not His fearful servants.
Jesus said this:
There is no secret,says the Martian.
Live life for itself. Derive pleasure from the gift of pure being. Life is its own answer. Accept it and enjoy it day by day. Live as well as possible. Expect no more. Destroy nothing. Humble nothing. Look for fault in nothing... Hold that which lives in all reverence. For life is given by the Sovereign of our universe; given to be savored, to be luxuriated in, to be respected. But that's no secret...
But one could object. Life isn't good for all. For some, life ends too soon, and they never get to live. For others, it is one hardship after another, brutality upon brutality, sadness upon sadness.
That is why I say that this life is a school. True life comes in Heaven with Christ. Here, we are to learn why good is good and evil is evil.
But some die young, even in their mother's womb and never get to learn. Does this make the whole idea of life as a school come tumbling down?
No, for we learn collectively - you from me and me from you. We learn from the past, present, and future.
But why couldn't God just plant this knowledge in our hearts and never put us through this existence?
Ah, but then, we would be nothing more than cardboard cutouts. Replicas of humans but not real humans. That is why man is greater than angels. Angels exceed us in power, at least for now, but we exceed them in experience. In Heaven, we will stand over them. They will serve us.
You see, God created us in His image. He means for us to walk beside Him, to look Him in the eye and converse with Him. That is why Jesus is our big Brother, not our Father. We are His friends, not His fearful servants.
Jesus said this:
Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. (John 15:15)
* posted by Robert on Wed, Aug 16, 2017