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Man's Free Will and the Omniscience of God
Free will is properly defined as the ability to make moral choices. We are all created in the image of God and are responsible for the decisions we make. Do we have total free will? Of course not. I had no choice as to when and where I would be born or what race, ethnicity and sex I would be. God knew me before I even existed. I inherited much of my personality from my parents and grandparents. There are natural limits. But I can understand the difference between right and wrong and make decisions. I reject the absurd theology that I was born
Can I reconcile God's foreknowledge and omniscience with man's free will? As the expression goes,
If everything we do has been predetermined or God is simply acting through us, then God really isn't a Creator. He's a daydreamer and we're His dream. It would be like thus: God has all thought, past, present and future in His mind; leaving us as His thoughts with no independent reality. Think of characters in a novel. They exist in the author's mind but are not real.
But God is the Creator, not a daydreamer. He breathed life into us. He made us real. How He did this is for Him to know and us to believe.
totally depraved.
Can I reconcile God's foreknowledge and omniscience with man's free will? As the expression goes,
that's above my pay grade.
If everything we do has been predetermined or God is simply acting through us, then God really isn't a Creator. He's a daydreamer and we're His dream. It would be like thus: God has all thought, past, present and future in His mind; leaving us as His thoughts with no independent reality. Think of characters in a novel. They exist in the author's mind but are not real.
But God is the Creator, not a daydreamer. He breathed life into us. He made us real. How He did this is for Him to know and us to believe.
* posted by Robert on Sun, Jun 11, 2023